Visitation of Graves - Page 7

896 - التَّسليمُ على‏ أهلِ القُبورِ

896. Greeting the People of the Graves

2859.بحار الأنوار : قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - لَمّا مَرَّ على المَقابِرِ فقالَ - : السَّلامُ علَيكُم يا أهلَ القُبُورِ ، أنتُم لَنا سَلَفٌ ، ونَحنُ لَكُم خَلَفٌ ، وإنّا إن شاءَ اللَّهُ بِكُم لاحِقُونَ . أمّا المَساكنُ فَسُكِنَتْ ، وأمّا الأزواجُ فَنُكِحَتْ ، وأمّا الأموالُ فَقُسِّمَتْ ، هذا خَبَرُ ما عِندَنا ، فَلَيتَ شِعرِي ما خَبَرُ ما عِندَكُم ؟ - ثُمّ قالَ : - أما إنَّهُم إن نَطَقُوا لَقالوا : وَجَدنا التَّقوى‏ خَيرَ زادٍ .1

2859. Imam Ali (AS), when he passed by graves, would say, 'Peace be upon you O people of the graves, you preceded us and we are following behind you, and we will meet you by Allah's will. As for your houses, they have already found new tenants, your spouses have remarried, your wealth has been distributed - these are the news we have. So what news have you for us?' Then he continued, 'If they were to answer, they would say, 'We found Godwariness to be the best provision [for the grave].' 2

1.بحار الأنوار : ۷۸ / ۷۱ / ۳۵ .

2.Ibid. v. ۷۸, p. ۷۱, no. ۳۵

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