Man - Page 4

211 - قيمَةُ الإنسانِ‏

211. Measuring Man's Value

645.الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام: المرءُ بأصغَرَيْهِ : بقلبِهِ ولسانِهِ ، إنْ قاتَلَ قاتَلَ بجَنانٍ ، وإن نَطقَ نَطقَ ببَيانٍ .1

645.Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Man ['s worth] is measured according to his two little organs - his heart and his tongue - so that when he fights, he should do so with a firm heart, and when he speaks, he should do so with eloquence.' 2

1.غرر الحكم : ۲۰۸۹ .

2.Ghurar al-Hikam, no. ۲۰۸۹

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