Miracle - Page 2

1224 - حِكمَةُ اختِلافِ مُعجِزاتِ الأنبِياءِ


3994.الإمامُ الهاديُّ عليه السلام - في جَوابِ ابنِ السِّكِّيتِ عَن عِلّةِ بَعثِ موسى‏ بِالعَصا ويَدِهِ البَيضاءِ وآلَةِ السِّحرِ، وبَعثِ عيسى‏ بِآلَةِ الطِّبِّ، وبَعثِ مُحمَّدٍ - صلَّى اللَّهُ علَيهِ وآلِهِ وعَلى‏ جَميعِ الأنبِياءِ - بِالكَلامِ والخُطَبِ - : إنَّ اللَّهَ لَمّا بَعَثَ موسى‏ عليه السلام كانَ الغالِبُ عَلى‏ أهلِ عَصرِهِ السِّحرَ، فأتاهُم مِن عِندِ اللَّهِ بِما لَم يَكُن في وُسعِهِم مِثلُهُ، وما أبطَلَ بِهِ سِحرَهُم، وأثبَتَ بِهِ الحُجَّةَ عَلَيهِم . وإنَّ اللَّهَ بَعَثَ عيسى‏ عليه السلام في وَقتٍ قَد ظَهَرَت فيهِ الزَّماناتُ واحتاجَ النّاسُ إلَى الطِّبِّ ، فأتاهُم مِن عِندِ اللَّهِ بِما لَم يَكُن عِندَهُم مِثلُهُ، وبِما أحْيا لَهُمُ المَوتى‏ ، وأبرَأ الأكمَهَ والأبرَصَ بِإذنِ اللَّهِ، وأثبَتَ بِهِ الحُجَّةَ عَلَيهِم . وإنَّ اللَّهَ بَعَثَ مُحَمَّداً صلى اللَّه عليه وآله في وَقتٍ كانَ الغالِبُ على‏ أهلِ عَصرِهِ الخُطَبَ والكَلامَ - وأظُنُّهُ قالَ : الشِّعرَ - فأتاهُم مِن عِندِ اللَّهِ مِن مَواعِظِهِ وحِكَمِهِ ما أبطَلَ بِهِ قَولَهُم، وأثبَتَ بِهِ الحُجَّةَ عَلَيهِم .1

3994. Imam al-Hadi (AS) said in reply to Ibn Sikkit’s question about the reason for Allah’s sending Prophet Moses (AS) with the staff [that turned into a snake], his illuminated hand and magic as a resource, and His sending Prophet Jesus (AS) with medicine as a resource, and His sending Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) with speech and eloquence, ‘Verily when Allah sent Moses (AS), the trend prevalent among the people of the time was magic, so he brought them something from Allah the like of which they were incapable of producing, which thwarted their magic, and with which he demonstrated the proof against them. And verily Allah sent Jesus (AS) at a time when paralytic diseases were widespread and people needed medicine, so he brought them something from Allah the like of which they did not have, and with which he brought life to the dead, cured the blind and the leper with Allah’s permission, and demonstrated the proof against them. And verily Allah sent Muhammad (SAWA) at an era when the prevalent trend among the people of the time was speech and eloquence – and I think he even said poetry – so he brought to them Allah’s exhortations and wisdoms with which he thwarted their words, and with which he demonstrated the proof against them.’2

1.الكافي : ۱ / ۲۴ / ۲۰ .

2.al-Kafi, v. ۱, p. ۲۴, no. ۲۰

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