
The king who has the best status is he who during his time people have a good life, and he encompasses his subjects with his justice.

لا تُكثِرَنَّ الدُّخولَ علَى المُلوكِ؛ فإنّهُم إن صَحِبتَهُم مَلُّوكَ ، وإن نَصَحتَهُم غَشُّوكَ . ح: 10321

Do not visit kings too much, for if you befriend them they will bore you, and if you advise them they will deceive you. H: 10321

المَكانَةُ مِن المُلوكِ مِفتاحُ المِحنَةِ وبَذرُ الفِتنَةِ . ح: 2184

Status with kings is the key to misfortune and a seed for trial. H: 2184

أجَلُّ المُلوكِ مَن مَلَكَ نفسَهُ وبَسَطَ العَدلَ . ح: 3206 ،

The noblest of kings is he who rules his own self and spreads justice. H: 3206

أعقَلُ المُلوكِ مَن ساسَ نفسَهُ لِلرَّعيَّةِ بما يُسقِطُ عنهُ حُجَّتَها ، وساسَ الرَّعيَّةَ بما تَثبُتُ بهِ حُجَّتُهُ علَيها . ح: 3350

The wisest of kings is he who rules his own self in favour of his subjects to the extent that they would have no argument against him and rules on the people in a manner that his arguments are established for them. H: 3350

مَن جَعَلَ مُلكَهُ خادِماً لدِينِهِ انقادَ لَهُ كلُّ سُلطانٍ ، مَن جَعَلَ دِينَهُ خادِماً لمُلكِهِ طَمِعَ فيهِ كلُّ إنسانٍ . ح: 9016 و 9017

Whoever makes his sovereignty subservient to his religion, all rulers will submit to him. And whoever makes his religion subservient to his sovereignty then all people will become greedy for it [i.e. his sovereignty]. H: 9016 & 9017

خَيرُ المُلوكِ مَن أماتَ الجَورَ وأحيا العَدلَ . ح: 5005

The greatest of kings is he who kills oppression and revives justice. H: 5005

أحسَنُ المُلوكِ حالاً مَن حَسُنَ عَيشُ النّاسِ في عَيشِهِ ، وعَمَّ رعِيَّتَهُ بعَدلِهِ . ح: 3261

The king who has the best status is he who during his time people have a good life, and he encompasses his subjects with his justice. H: 3261

إذا بُني المُلك على‏ قَواعِدِ العَدلِ ودَعَمَ بدعائمِ العَقلِ ، نَصَرَ اللَّهُ مُوالِيَهُ وخَذَلَ مُعادِيَهُ . ح: 4118

When a king builds on the foundations of justice and bases [his rule] on the pillars of reason, then Allah will make his followers victorious and will desert his enemies. H: 4118